
Dr. James B. Jordan

Dr. James B. Jordan

James B. Jordan is the Director of Biblical Horizons ministries, a theological think tank that publishes books, monographs, essays and taped lectures focused on Bible commentary, Biblical theology and liturgical theology. He holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia in comparative literature. During four years in the United States Air force, Jordan served as a military historian, and then attended Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Miss. He completed his studies with an M.A. and Th.M. at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Since 1990, he has lived in Niceville, Fla. in 1993, the Central School of Religion awarded him a D. Litt. Degree for a dissertation on the dietary laws of Moses. The author of numerous monographs and several books, including, Through New Eyes: Developing a Biblical View of the World, Creation in Six Days, Primeval Saints: Studies in the Patriarchs of Genesis, The Sociology of the Church: Essays in Reconstruction, and Judges: A Practical and Theological Commentary. In 2015, Dr. Jordan moved to Birmingham, Al. to join Peter Leithart in their labors for the Theopolis Institute.


James B. Jordan and Biblical Horizons Subscription $25.00

Downloadable Sets

Biblical Horizons 1991 Conference - Calvinism and Theocracy 6 $15.00
Biblical Horizons 1992 Conference - Worship and Sacrifice 14 $50.00
Biblical Horizons 1993 Conference - Temple and Priesthood 15 $45.00
Biblical Horizons 1995 Conference - Prophecy and Society 14 $40.00
Biblical Horizons 1996 Conference - Doorways and Passages 14 $40.00
Biblical Horizons 1997 Conference - Mark and Hebrews 16 $40.00
Biblical Horizons 2001 Conference - The Levites and Music 14 $40.00
Biblical Horizons 2002 Conference - The Inspection of Jealousy 16 $40.00
Biblical Horizons 2003 Conference - Modernism & Postmodernism 13 $30.00
Biblical Horizons 2004 Conference - The Mission of God in History 25 $50.00
Biblical Horizons 2005 Conference - Ecclesiastes 22 $40.00
Biblical Horizons 2005 Mini-Conference - Knowing Scripture 6 $15.00
Biblical Horizons 2006 Conference - The Apostolic Age 26 $55.00
Biblical Horizons 2009 Conference - Leviticus and Gospel of Luke 21 $50.00
Biblical Horizons 2010 Conference - Wine, Women and Song (15 mp3s) 15 $50.00
Biblical Horizons 2012 Conference - Back to Basics 16 $40.00
Biblical Horizons 2014 Conference - Sacrifice and Clothing 18 $60.00
Biblical Horizons 2015 Conference (Lancaster PA) - Doers of the Word: Discovering Biblical Theology 8 $19.99
Biblical Horizons 2016 Conference - Death and Sexual Revolution (19 mp3s) 20 $50.00
Biblical Horizons Complete Conference Collection (411 mp3s) 461 $300.00
James B. Jordan - 100 Articles, Essays, and Books (Digital Texts) 70 $150.00
James B. Jordan - A Christian View of War (8 mp3s) 8 $20.00
James B. Jordan - A Christian Worldview (20 mp3s) 20 $60.00
James B. Jordan - A Course on Biblical Worship (12 mp3s) 12 $20.00
James B. Jordan - A Personal History of Christian Reconstruction 3 $10.00
James B. Jordan - A Theocratic Critique of Theonomy (7 mp3s) 7 $15.00
James B. Jordan - Battle of Gog and Magog (4 mp3s) 4 $12.00
James B. Jordan - Biblical Doctrine of Paedocommunion (4 mp3s) 4 $10.00
James B. Jordan - Biblical Ethics and the Ten Words (8 mp3s) 8 $20.00
James B. Jordan - Book of 1 Corinthians (8 mp3s) 8 $20.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Acts (5 mp3s and notes) 6 $15.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Colossians 12 $30.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Daniel (9 mp3s and notes) 10 $30.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Deuteronomy 7 $12.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Ephesians (11 mp3s) 11 $30.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Esther (6 mp3s w notes) 7 $12.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Exodus (124 mp3s) 125 $150.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Exodus Overview (6 mp3s) 7 $15.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Ezekiel 19 $40.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Genesis (38 mp3s) 39 $70.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Haggai 5 $12.00
James B. Jordan - Book of John (3 mp3s) 3 $10.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Jonah 3 $5.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Judges (Samson 5 mp3s) 6 $15.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Lamentations (5 mp3s) 5 $10.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Leviticus 7 $20.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Malachi 6 $15.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Nehemiah (6 mp3s) 6 $20.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Numbers 7 $15.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Philemon (collection 5 mp3s) 5 $10.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Philippians 7 $20.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Proverbs - chapters 30-31 (3 mp3s) 3 $5.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Psalms: Psalms of Ascent (15 mp3s) 15 $30.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Revelation (204 mp3s) 205 $175.00 $99.97
James B. Jordan - Book of Romans 10 $30.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Ruth 8 $20.00
James B. Jordan - Book of the Twelve (The Minor Prophets) 4 $10.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Zechariah (21 mp3s) 21 $30.00
James B. Jordan - Book of Zephaniah 6 $15.00
James B. Jordan - Books of 1-2 Kings (36 Mp3s) 36 $75.00
James B. Jordan - Church Architecture Introduction (4 mp3s) 4 $10.00
James B. Jordan - Complete Collection (1725 mp3s) 2763 $500.00 $199.97
James B. Jordan - Education Through New Eyes (5 mp3s) 5 $15.00
James B. Jordan - Eschatology and Interpreting Prophecy (5 mp3s) 5 $15.00
James B. Jordan - How to Read the Bible 11 $35.00
James B. Jordan - Introduction to Symbolism and Typology 6 $5.00
James B. Jordan - Preterism and Hyperpreterism (4 mp3s) 4 $10.00
James B. Jordan - Rocks, Stars, and Dinosaurs: The Wonders of the World in Biblical Perspective 7 $10.00
James B. Jordan - The Apocrypha and Intertestamental Period 5 $15.00
James B. Jordan - The Books of 1-2 Samuel (46 mp3s) 46 $70.00
James B. Jordan - The Garden of God (Unlocking the Bible's Imagery 6 mp3s) 6 $25.00
James B. Jordan - The Life of Abraham 13 $30.00
James B. Jordan - The Life of Jacob (92 mp3s) 89 $100.00
James B. Jordan - The Weird and the Deep Weird (5 mp3s) 5 $10.00
James B. Jordan - Thoughts on Child Discipline (2 mp3s) 2 $5.00
James B. Jordan - What Really Happened in AD 70: The Parousia by J.S. Russell (assessed) 4 $10.00
James B. Jordan - Worship and the Church Calendar 4 FREE
James B. Jordan - Your Child in God's World (6 mp3s) 7 $15.00
Theopolis Course - Exodus (15 mp3s) 16 $20.00
Theopolis Course - Exodus through Joshua Survey (13 hrs) 5 $40.00
Theopolis Course - How to Read the Bible (14 mp3s) 15 $15.00

1361 items found

IView Story - James B. Jordan's Influence 2/2/2017
07 The Greatest Verse in All the Bible 10/17/2015
06 Fun with Numbers 10/17/2015
Doers of the Word (notes PDF) 10/16/2015
05 Jordan at the Life-Size Tabernacle 10/16/2015
04 Scriptures Foundational Patterns 2 Types and Shadows 10/16/2015
Scripture's Foundational Patterns (pt 3 of Doers of the Word) 10/16/2015
02 Dealing with Suffering (morning Mens Study) 10/16/2015
01 Rivals to Biblical Theology 10/16/2015
Nehemiah 06 - Ezra-Nehemiah 4/1/2012
Nehemiah 05 - Ezra-Nehemiah 3/25/2012
Exhortation 3-25-12, "Feeding on the Word" 3/25/2012
Nehemiah 04 - Ezra-Nehemiah 3/18/2012
Learning Hymns, James Jordan 2/26/2012
Nehemiah 03 - Ezra-Nehemiah 2/26/2012
Nehemiah 02 - Introduction part 2 2/19/2012
Nehemiah 01 - Introduction 2/5/2012
SS-6-26-11, Zechariah Pt 3 6/26/2011
SS-6-19-11, Zechariah Pt 2 6/19/2011
Pentecost: Lighting The World On Fire 6/12/2011
SS-6-5-11 Zechariah pt 1 6/5/2011
Advent - A summary of the Lectionary Readings 11/28/2010
How to Read the Bible, Part 11 11/7/2010
How to Read the Bible, Part 10 10/24/2010
How to Read the Bible, Part 9 10/17/2010
An Exposition of Psalm 45 10/3/2010
Report from trip to Russia 10/3/2010
How to Read the Bible, Part 8 9/5/2010
How to Read the Bible, Part 7 8/29/2010
How to Read the Bible, part 6 8/22/2010
How to Read the Bible, Part 5 8/15/2010
How to Read the Bible, Part 4 8/8/2010
How to Read the Bible, Part 3 8/1/2010
How to Read the Bible, Part 2 7/18/2010
How to Read the Bible, Part 1 7/11/2010
Jonah Part 7 7/4/2010
Jonah Part 6 6/6/2010
Jonah Part 5 5/23/2010
James Jordan, Jonah Part 4 5/16/2010
Jonah Part 3 5/9/2010
James Jordan, Jonah Part 2 5/2/2010
The Liturgy Trap 4/25/2010
James Jordan, Jonah Part 1 - Introduction 4/11/2010
The Arrival of the Judge 3/28/2010
The Battle of Gog and Magog, part 4 3/21/2010
The Battle of Gog and Magog, part 3 3/14/2010
The Battle of Gog and Magog, part 2 3/7/2010
The Battle of Gog and Magog, part 1 2/28/2010
Jim Jordan, teaching Lent and Palm Sunday Hymn 2/21/2010
James Jordan, Themes in Esther, Part 10 2/21/2010
James Jordan, Themes in Esther, Part 9 2/14/2010
Learning New Psalms and Hymns 1/31/2010
Themes in Esther, Part 9 1/24/2010
Themes in Esther, Part 8 1/10/2010
Themes in Esther, Part 7 1/3/2010
James Jordan teaching Psalm 45 at Providence Church in Pensacola, Fl 12/20/2009
Themes in Esther, Part 6 12/6/2009
Themes in Esther, Part 5 11/29/2009
Themes in Esther, Part 5 11/15/2009
Themes in Esther, Part 4 10/18/2009
Themes in Esther, Part 3 10/11/2009
The Book of Esther, Part 2 9/27/2009
Exodus Themes Part 13 8/30/2009
Exodus Themes Part 12 8/23/2009
Exodus Themes Part 11 8/16/2009
Trinity Talk Discusses Revelation with James B. Jordan 8/10/2009
Exodus Themes Part 10 8/2/2009
Exodus Themes, Part 9 7/26/2009
Exodus Themes, Part 8 7/19/2009
Exodus Themes, Part 7 7/12/2009
Exodus Themes, Part 6 7/5/2009
Exodus Themes, Part 5 6/7/2009
A Biblical Theology of Tongues 5/31/2009
Exodus Themes, Part 4 5/24/2009
Exodus Themes, Part 3 5/17/2009
Exodus Themes, Part 2 4/19/2009
Exodus Themes, Part 1 3/29/2009
Patterns: Three Falls and a New World Pt 3 3/1/2009
Patterns: Three Falls and a New World Pt 1 2/15/2009
Wine, Women and Song, pt 4 1/11/2009
Sunday School Lesson 1/4/2009
Sermon and Communion Meditation 12/28/2008
Sunday School Lesson 12/28/2008
Music in Worship 11/30/2008
Music in Chronicles Continued 11/16/2008
Music in Chronicles 10/26/2008
Wine, Women and Song, pt 3 9/7/2008
Wine, Women and Song, pt 2 8/31/2008
Wine, Women and Song, Part 1 8/17/2008
Learning the Psalter 4/20/2008
IView - James B. Jordan's Way of Reading Scripture 4/15/2008
Patterns: Three Falls and a New World Pt 2 2/22/2008
Complete James B. Jordan and Theopolis Collection  
Add-On USB: Complete James B. Jordan Collection (USB)  
BoS462Samuel 24  
BoS452Samuel 21b 23  
BoS442Samuel 21a  
BoS432Samuel 19 20  
BoS422Samuel 18  
BoS412Samuel 17